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22 janvier 2008

San Diego Cab story!

Here's a good one to continue the Rich's bad luck with cabs series!

San Diego airport is the coolest in the world. You come down over the ridgeline that juts out of the water - if you are coming from the mainland, and the back of the plane usually comes to within ten feet from the tops of the wherehouses and buildings on the ridge! The landing strip doesn't look near as long as it should and you have to slow down and stop before the bay starts... Scary sick wonderful stuff. And i always loved taking planes because it made me feel rich! I was a student. i wasn't nearly a rich then as i am now with my loving family... Alright i know you didn't sign on to be sickened, I'll stop. now i hate taking planes - turbulence and all. I can't even do Space fucking mountain i'm such a woss. makes me want to buy an ak 47 and a one way ticket to southern Afghanistan. Anyway, As soon as i landed, absorbed the warmth and realized that my happiness was going to rudely interrupted shortly by either hunger or depression i decided to try and prolong my ecstasy by taking a cab. Another thing only rich people do. I had 20 bucks to my name and was hoping there was something that wasn't spoiled in the fridge back at the apartment.

So knowing that 20 bucks wasn't going to get me all the way home, hating the fact that i was going to have to spend an hour minimum on the bus (I'm not a patient guy when I'm alone) I decided i was at least going to have the cab take me to the next bus stop that i would have had to change at - cutting the time on the bus a little.

So after grabbing my two suitcases, i found a cab. After verifying that 20 bucks wasn't going to get me very far and pissing off the cabbie by asking a stupid question (it was hot out and he didn't have any air conditioning) we took off. Getting to the bus stop was amazingly Quick. I think he thought i had lice and was infecting his car or something. we get out of the car and he opens the trunk where my stuff is and we stand there looking at it. Snot nose little brat i was i thought he was going to get the stuff out. instead he says - that's ten bucks. So i fish out my twenty and he goes to get change while i get my stuff out of the trunk. Can you see it coming? As soon as my second bag hits the ground - so does his foot hit the accelerator. I watched the trunk bobbing up and down getting smaller and smaller for what seemed an eternity before i  felt the rumbling in my stomach and realized to what extent i was screwed.

Nevertheless I'm here today and paying for all the extras on my car insurance to avoid ever having to take a cab!

How many cab driver names and faces do you memorize when you know you are only going a short distance?  Being from NY i should've known better. So for once something European isn't worse than American!!!!

The morale: Don't trust cab drivers.
And always keep exact change ; )
