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6 novembre 2007


Is this blog thing for chicks? Are there other guys that do this? I might have to stop. Take the pot shot at me if you must and we will move on. But i would like feedback. Why is it that everything i like has to come to a quick end. Well except for the...
6 novembre 2007

Today is getting better

I would like to share with you the site of a great - well average, but charming (as much as a group of lesbians rock bands can be) lesbian rock band. Now I have nothing against lesbians, as a matter of fact I aspire to one day be a lesbian. I remember...
6 novembre 2007

A wonderful sense of humor/english lesson

If English is your first language and you think you don't need an English lesson I would normally say you are right. If you are English. If you aren't English you can improve, unless you are Welsh which means you are perfect. If you are Irish your first...
6 novembre 2007

OK, i'm not funny enough

Obviously as with everything else in life the more you invest the more you profit. I've realized it may be hard to understand certain comments if you haven't followed from the beginning. Tired of seeing that first old stupid joke from my colleague rant...
5 novembre 2007

Happy Birthday Izzzzzzy

What a lucky guy Simon is. Does he know it? I wonder? Of course its hard to be with a woman 17 years older. :)
5 novembre 2007

Rich's Ten Year Top Ten

Thanks to my company prostituting me off in September to an anglo saxon country, I have been given a rare insight into another professional environment. I say "another" because I can still remember how working at Mcdonalds as a teenager and a small corrupt...
31 octobre 2007


Have you ever noticed that 5 euro fake Hugo Boss leather belts from Greece are so heavy they actually pull down your pants? Especially if they don't have enough holes when you pull tight around the waist? With all the people that comment on my fatness...
31 octobre 2007


Charles de Tallyrand - Tallyrand was the French foreign minister during Jefferson's presidency. He was instrumental in France's continued efforts to dominate and maipulate the US governments. In October 1797, it was he who perpetrated the XYZ Affair,...
31 octobre 2007

Drum Roll

AND HERE IT IS !!!!!!!!!!! Happy Halloween. If you can, you should go to la boule noir tonight!!! Support_guide_for_understanding_Rich_s_blog
26 octobre 2007

Bravo! The fighting English!

To my immense pleasure, An English client visiting us in Paris today had the gaulle (and the le is on purpose), he had the balls, the hutspa to add photos of a French rugby player being decimated by an English rugby player in his power point presentation....
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