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15 avril 2008


I have Roman, Gallic, and Teuton Villages growing in size and power on My assorted Heroes haven't hit level two but they are suported by various Legionaires, Phalanxes and Clubswingers. I found a used cheap version of Star Trek Conquests...
6 avril 2008

hangin with the boys!

Tranquille! Hanging with the boys at home:
31 mars 2008

16 mars 2008


Haven't had any inspiration lately. Not being at work and getting paid to write a blog isn't fun. (new york sarcasm...) Anyway, for those of you who are not interested in what it's like to be a papa of three boys, never answer this ad: Contrôleur de gestion...
11 mars 2008

The question

So here's the question: How do you live with someone you can't stand most of the time, be emotionally and psychologically available for your kids and work with a commute of almost 2 hours in both directions in jobs where you know you can't get ahead?...
4 mars 2008

Politics and responses

I got two comments!!!! I don't know why they got posted to my blog days later - something wrong with the administration of this blog provider maybe. Anyway, Virginie, you are definitely in the exceptional category for everything. Nawal, Thank you for...
15 février 2008

Politics -

About McCain - If ever anyone in the last 7 generations of my family were around and knew i was thinking more about voting Republican than democrat they would try and kill me! When you look in depth, Clinton always voted the same as bush and represents...
15 février 2008


Why am i agitated? Being paid to look for a new job at home, no one else is home, free porn trailers all day long... No reason I should be I guess. Oh maybe it's because i need something to look forward to? Or maybe there's something i want i can't have?...
12 février 2008


a little bit of calm does a world of good.
25 janvier 2008

More finance - sorry...

"By the end of December, he was ``massively in the money,'' said Collas. "Since the beginning of the year his trades became unprofitable." ------- Sorry but i think it funny that as soon as we aren't in the money anymore someone blows...
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